Thursday, August 30, 2012

3 months!

The E's are 3 months old! How crazy is that?! They are doing lots of things, like learning how to "talk" and play on their tummy's. I have just a few seconds before Evan is in all out panic mode, so I will post a few photos.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The last month or so

Many events have happened over the last month or so. Everything from the kids really starting to react to people around them (Evan is such a flirt!) to more health things (these kids are Wells' after all). I have tried to capture at least one photo a day, mostly it ends up being a lot more though! The kids have also had many first Petco, Target, a mexican restaurant, mothers group, and Small group to name a few. They also have visited a couple medical specialists...ENT and speech pathologists. (That's right, they are super advanced and already need speech therapy. Not really) Emily needs help latching, she is my lazy eater, or as the books call her she is a "gourmet" and likes to sample her food.

Both have also VERY recently started sleeping for at least one 5 hour stint at night! If they choose to do this at the same time, Ryan and I get to sleep for about 4 of those hours. This is very exciting news for us! Up until this point it had been 3 hour stints if we were lucky, but typically only 2 hours which meant we got 1-1.5 hours of sleep between feeds. I think the 3 month mark is the magical point, or so I've been told.

Both babies are in the double digit for weight. Last time they weighed in Evan was 12 lbs. and Emily was 10.

I have a lot of pictures to post...hope you enjoy!
Evan's such a ham!

Emily enjoying playtime

Evan LOVES Eeyore Emily looks like she saw a ghost

Emily hamming it up

My view most days

Emily falling asleep

The result of scratching your GLOVES!

The family

This is how dinner looks around here...

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A day in the life

As I sit here with Emily and Evan I thought I would share some photos of our day so far. We woke up, went for a walk, slept, and played. Of course we ate too, but no one wants to see that!