Thursday, February 28, 2013

Heading in the right direction


Happy Valentine's day/New Year/Thanksgiving/Merry Christmas....okay it has been too long since the last update - we have twins.

There is so much that has happened over the past 3+ months.  Both kids have their bottom two front teeth. Evan should have a top one any day now. Emily is crawling, Evan loves to give high fives, and both kids are SLEEPING THROUGH THE NIGHT! Sorry, don't know what happened to my keyboard.  The thought of filling in the details of all the events of the past few months is too exhausting to think about so I will let video and pictures sum it up.

I will jump straight to today's events.  Last Friday was their 9 month check up.  Em is 17lb 3oz and 27" while Ev tips the scales at 21lb 9oz and 28" long.  All good numbers until we got to head size.  Emily was given the all clear after a remeasure (they were worried it was too small).  Evan's head had him off the charts. In fact, his head is so big that if it does not grow until after his 18 month check up, he will still be in the 90th percentile.  One of the the things that can cause a baby's head to get so big is something called hydrocephalus.  Word to the wise, do not google ANYTHING that your doctor mentions could be the problem.  We (more me than Jacqueline) were left to worry for a week until a CT scan could be done.

The scan was today and he did great.  He had to hold still to get the picture, which meant a possibility of anesthesia.  Evan did great and held still. We were in and out of the scan in under a half hour. Even better the test came back normal! The only thing our little guy suffers from is George Costanza syndrome because he is going to be stretching out the neck holes of his clothes (okay no more Seinfeld references and buddy if you are reading this some day don't worry your head is normal and beautiful - the doctor told us that).

The biggest thing that came from today and this past week was a true sense of gratefulness to the Lord for his provisions of health.  While we were waiting for Evan and Emily to be called back (Em had x-rays to make sure her hips had no issues from being breech and she is all good) we saw a lot of kids dealing with things that nobody, especially someone that small, should be dealing with.  My heart broke for the parents and children, but at the same time leap for joy at the unearned gifts we have been given.  I saw a mom pulling her child around in a red wagon and I fought back tears.  The wagon ride was not a break from treatments.  Rather, it was necessary so her mother could get all the machines this young child was hooked up to around all at once.  But for the grace of God there go I.

We may face challenges like that in the future with our kids.  We pray every day for the health of our children, both, spiritually and physically.  Finally, if you are someone who faces/faced great health challenges with your child I thank the Lord for your strength and pray that if we face similar challenges that the Lord provides the same strength to us and high spirits to our children.



Nap time over

Look close...teeth!

They love each other.

She can decide where she wants to play

My really that is her toy do you do that? Em...Mom helped.

This is a little "scanner" they use to let toddlers get use to idea of being in one.
Resting his big beautiful head

Look how big we are!
What? Everyone sleeps like this.