Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Special Access


  This has been a very busy end to summer for us.  We made the trip to Las Vegas to celebrate my dad's retirement in the beginning of August.  After returning home 'busy season' started at work for me.  I was working 60+ hours a week for most of August until yesterday.  For tax accountants this is known has the the fall busy season.  Most corporations file extensions for their tax returns due in March (not April like individuals) and have to complete the tax return by 9/15 or the first business day to follow.

  While I was working my kids were growing and enjoying time with their mom.  We only have one car so that means Jacqueline spent a lot of time hanging out at the apartment with the dog and kids.  I didn't like working that much, but I know I had the easier gig.  Jacqueline did spent Labor Day week in Louisville with family.  It was a nice change of scenery for everyone.  I did miss the hour each morning I got to see the kids when they were here, but Jacqueline had a little bit more freedom to get around during the day and a few extra hands to help during the evenings.

  Last weekend, despite it being crunch time, we headed for Chicago.  We had two very important things to attend.  First, my dad's retirement party.  Family, friends, and lot of firefighters gathered to celebrate my dad's service to the DeKalb community.  There was a picnic on Saturday at my parents house where over 100 people gathered to say thanks.  Lots of fire equipment was there and they even closed down the street in front of my parent's house.

  The second thing we had to attend was the kid's first Cubs game! Jacqueline's wedding present to me were tickets to see the Cubs play the Red's.  That game was in late September six years ago and we got to celebrate the Cubs winning the central division.  When she bought the tickets she also added her name to the season ticket waiting list.  She was somewhere north of 40,000 at the time.  Well, over six years later, she is now 954.  There is a strong possibility that her number will get called this off-season so the Cubs invited us to a game, on them, with a picture to be taken on the field after the game.  No division championship to celebrate this year (save the Cubs jokes), but the kids loved being at the ball park.  Emily loved the wind in her face and french fries.  Evan loved interacting with anyone that would look at him.  I don't think either one knew there was a baseball going on, but it didn't matter.  It was a great day and we have a great family picture to go with a great day at the ball park.

Go Cubs Go!!!

The dude man hamming it up

ON.WRIGLEY.FIELD...on the field

Even knowing we would be in the car until after midnight didn't cut down my smile

As we walked off the field I asked the guy cleaning the bullpen if there was ball around....he found two!
Has anyone seen my pants?
I grab her feet and say "can you stand for daddy?" She laughs the whole time
I made it home in time yesterday to play with the kids before they went to bed.  First non-weekend in almost a month so the kids did 'hand stands.'
Evan doesn't get left out. You can tell by my stance that he weighs a little more than his sister.

Future Fire Fighter
Driving the truck like papa