Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Truckin' Along

So 2009 is moving along smoothly so far, but you know how when that starts happening, you have a tendency to just let it move and aren't intentional with ANYTHING in your life...Well, I am there! Realizing this, I plan to step away from the contentment monster and get back to work!
List of things to do:
- Continue to photograph! Show coming very soon...less than one month to prepare!
- Keep sending out job applications and constantly update the resume!
- Continue my walk with growing closer to Christ! Prayer time is a must!
- Design my show postcards and build a website
- Stay up-to-date with friends...proving to be most difficult right now
- Stick to my new workout routine
- Encourage Ryan in work and school! He is such a big help and a great partner for me!
- Play some and laugh a lot

The playing some hasn't been too difficult to maintain, but I can feel that sense of laziness coming back :(

On a good note, I have a show opening in Gallery 214 at NIU next week! It is sort of an impromptu' photography show that Kim Strom is curating! She is awesome and I love being in her shows! The show, Foto 2009, is up from February 2-15 with a closing reception sometime around the 12th! Can't wait! I am in the process of looking for more shows around the region and writing some show proposals for hopefully a spot in Louisville. I will keep you updated on that front.
Pray for a potential job for me. I don't want to give too many details, but there is an amazing opportuinty that I was approached about to gage my interest, but not a job offering, at NIU. It would be a full time job starting soon that would potentially delay my graduation by a semester, but it would give Ryan and I a much needed increase in funds to help pay down my school loan and save for his upcoming semesters. And maybe save for some other future plans as well! We are in-waiting right now about where the university is going and what kind of person they are wanting to hire. Please pray!
Not much else is going on...Ryan and I started p90x, a workout routine, that is kicking our butts! My brother gave it to us for Christmas and so far so good. You workout at home, but wow...I can feel it! So maybe that next time you see us in bathing suits we will be buff! At least that's my hope :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You've piqued my intrested (is that how you spell it?). I will definately be praying for you guys, but probably that God provides you with a great job in KC.
I thought your show is March 19th-you still have 6 and a half long weeks left (maybe short weeks for you, long for me). It sounds like you may have a really neat oppertunity at NIU, I will be praying that God gives you and Ryan wisdom throughout this process and that God would provide for you a job that would help pay for Ryan's schooling and give you a chance to pay back whatever loans you have quickly.
I think trukin' along is a good title. That is what I am doing. You should go to my blog and see that vidoe, seriously. I know you are cruched for time, but it is really good.