Friday, November 9, 2012

Mr. Sandman


So we are closing in on six months.  'They are getting to an age where they should be letting you sleep longer.' That was the quote from our pediatrician a few weeks ago when we took Em to have her ears checked (no problems with her ears).  However, we didn't feel like they, especially Emily, were going as long as they should or with any regularity.  We were coming off one of the worst five day stretches we have had with Emily since we first brought them home.

With hindsight and some sleep we realized she had gone through an extended growth spurt.  The first clue was the 14 pound weight she had at the doctor and her moving up to six month clothes that week.  She still isn't the best sleeper but she will go 6-8 hours each night as long as she is in her rock'n play.  We are having trouble getting her to sleep well in her crib.  For the time being we have decided not to fight her, but rather to let her sleep in the rock'n play.  Our hope is that we can establish a pattern of solid sleep and then we will crib train.  As it is now we feel like we are trying to get her use to her crib and teach her she needs to be sleeping at night.  Her favorite time to nurse is still at night.  We have been working at rocking her back to sleep after she wakes.  That usually gets her to sleep for another hour or so, but there are nights when she is up every 2-3 hours to eat.  Last night was one of those nights.  Hoping for better tonight.

Evan on the other hand eats whenever he can get food during the day although he is beginning to show a preference for a bottle.  He has been consistent about going to bed at 8 and sleeping until at least 4 and sometimes later.  At that point he is up for a short meal and then back to sleep for another 2-3 hours.  He usually eats again and finishes off whatever time is left until 730 or 8 with a 'nap'.  He naps well during the day, which Emily does not.  Every chance I get I hold Emily over her sleeping brother and tell her to learn.  I actually don't do that, but we do have to remind ourselves that we shouldn't compare them and each one is unique. This a good lesson to start learning now because I am sure I will have a life time of reminding myself of that fact.

Here are a few pics Jacqueline took of their Halloween costumes.

If we look cute will you take us out of these sooner?

Cute enough?

Can we take them off yet?

Ok, we look cute and we know it

Two peas in a pod, actually two pods
you look funny, no you look funny

Like I said, he will try and eat anything.

LUNCH time!

Bananas were not a hit

If he knew how to spit it out he would

1 comment:

J said...

How long does Em go between naps on average? How long before she gets crabby and how long before she sleeps?

Our girl usually gets crabby between 90 minutes and two hours. We put her down as soon as she shows any signs of fatigue. But she can be up and not crabby much longer than him. She was up for three hours this morning before getting crabby (a record for either).

When she wakes from a nap, is Em smiling and happy or grumpy? If the latter do you feed and or soothe her and put her back to sleep or do you keep her up?

We know when either of ours wakes up to less than beaming full smiles, that they are only going to be up long enough to feed and get changed. Our trying to keep them up longer than 20 minutes for these tasks is futile.

Finally, do you log their sleep time? Are they sleeping about 15 hours per day? Ours do. Some naps are brief (45 minutes) while others are long (2+ hours). And usually one, if not both, needs an early a.m. feeding and then they go back to bed until 7:15 ~ 7:30.

We put ours to bed no later than 7:30 p.m. and sometimes as early as 6:30. It depends on them. And there is no correlation between down time and needing to feed early a.m. Trust me, we've tracked it long enough.