Monday, December 1, 2008

End of the Semester

Well it is that time of year again...the end of the fall semester. I always struggle at this point with all the deadlines that need to be met and all the unfinished work I have put off until the last week of school! I hate that I do this, but I do it EVERY year. Thanksgiving break is always my lazy point and I love being with family and not working on anything! Why am I like this? Why do I enjoy spending time with people when the world says I should be working hard and advancing in my school and career? I just want to be with friends and family right now! I need to kick myself in the behind to get motivated to really work the next two weeks! Then the next 10 weeks before my show opens! AHHHHH!
I am stressed, but at the same time I know that God has it all under control. I just hope I don't stay lazy thinking He will do it all for me. :)
Ryan is working all the time right now. He gets up early, works all day, then goes to class and does it all without a single complaint. He is amazing. We still are struggling for money and are waiting to see if we will have enough for him to start school in the spring. Who knows... I trust that God is doing all this for our good, it is just tiring and sometimes hard to push through. Ryan is a total saver and I am a total spender...which stinks because that means we both have to give a little to reach our goals and stay sane doing it. I wish I could just surrender my desire for new things and spending money! I pray that God would take away my desires for this! That I would be motivated to save and really get Ryan through school, start building a "nest egg" for kids or a house and that I would finish my applications for teaching jobs!
Life is just so up in the air right now! I don't know what I would do if Christ wasn't my rock to lean against right now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Booyah (just had to start with that)! I know sometimes it can be trying, but it is also just so exciting to be surprised in what God has in store.

The good thing about the world is that it doesn't matter what they say. :) You and I should talk more because Trevor is gone all the time working too. I told you about his overtime, for the next two weeks the poor guy will be working at either Target or overtime at his call center job. It is great that Ryan is so wonderful about it, Trevor is too. I am certainly blessed with a good provider.

And I know the feeling of not wanting so much! I want to give up all my wants because I know if I did we could be out of debt faster.

And another thing to think about, if Christ weren't your rock right now you wouldn't be in this position. You would be chasing worldly things and your life would be very different. Isn't that a great thing to think about, as John Piper says, "Jesus saves from the American dream."