Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Simply Amazing!

Our Lord is simply amazing in all His ways! He is our rock, our redeemer, our grace and peace, but right now God is truly our provider! I can tell you that this week has been difficult for Ryan and I with finances. We are not the only ones...but it gets so overwhelming sometimes. We are saving for my final semester which will take about 3000 dollars, all said and done and we are more than halfway there,which is wonderful! But when we started the process of Ryan going back to school, our goal was to have 8000 before January and we haven't gotten there. Ryan was feeling extra bummed this week because we had made the decision that he wasn't starting school yet due to lack of funds. He really didn't express to me how disappointed he was, but I could tell. We have both been irritable about money and feeling the disappointment of not reaching our goal...and then God takes over!
Ryan's grandparents are in town this week and took us out to lunch. We had a great time catching up with them and talking about life and memories. Then Gary asked about next semester...Ryan responded with we don't have the money so I am not starting...Gary countered with, well how can we help? Ryan responded, (paraphrased) We would appreciate it, but we don't want to get a loan from anyone. And then Jackie (grandma) promptly said, But you would accept a gift! And I started crying...couldn't get the words out of my mouth to Thank them...and everyone else started crying too!
SO RYAN IS GOING TO SCHOOL!!!!!! We are so excited for this! God is so faithful to us even when we don't trust him.
God has also been faithful in helping me stay in touch with friends! Thanks to Ellie, Suzanne and Jessica for being so wonderful to talk with through all this! And Janelle for the support in Youth Group ideas and challenges! I love you guys so much!
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
- Jeremiah 29:11


Anonymous said...

Booyah (this time it was simply in order)! I hoped I'd see a blog about God's amazing provision-yay!

Janelle Best said...

Hey Girl!
I miss you! So glad to hear how God has provided for you and Ryan what a great blessing and a beautiful picture of God's faithfulness in our lives. I am praying for you both and pray for the youth! It is so exciting to see God at work in others lives!

Love ya!