Sunday, June 7, 2009

Stones round 2

It's been awhile! I am now a NIU graduate with my Master's of Fine Arts degree and a real job at NIU recruiting students to come experience the School of Art! I can't believe that the day has come, well 3 weeks ago, that I finally have just a job, no school to go along with it. It's amazing how I feel like I need to be doing something for work all the time because that is how I felt at school. I feel guilty that I don't do everything I didn't finish during the day at home that night. I am still getting familiar with that idea.
Ryan finished his first semester at NIU with great grades and is still working at UPS in the morning then stays to pick up hours driving until about noon each day. I love that I married a man that is willing to work hard, even when he doesn't like the work, to provide the means for us to save and give!
Over Memorial weekend we traveled to Kansas City to see our good friends! It was a great time! Ethan has grown so much and is the funniest kid I have ever seen! I think my favorite times were him making MMM sounds eating garlic and herb cheese spread and pulling Ryan out of his seat to go to the park! HOW CUT
E! Meeting Titus was also amazing. How different he is than his brother, already! Titus is really laid back and generally happy no matter what's going on. Ethan definitely was more curious at 2 months than Titus seems to be; Titus is just fine doing nothing. Elizabeth looked great and is such a great mom! How beautiful is was to see her raising her kids to love and respect her, Trevor and our Father! All-in-all I had such a good time and really miss having their friendship close by! (Sorry that doesn't mean we are moving to KC anytime soon) :(
While we were getting in the car to leave KC and Ryan tells me he needs to go to the doctor when we get home. Ryan is never the one to say that, usually it's me telling him we need to go because he doesn't feel well. This time he knew what was going on though...Kidney stones, again. We have made it 1 1/2 years since the first experience with these things. This time Ryan had two large (5mm and 7mm) stones stuck in the kidney. We scheduled litho
tripsy for this last Friday and the night before one of the stones moved in the ureter. This is somewhat painful, but more annoying because that meant the doctors could only target the stone in the ureter to be broken up. So that's what they did, but after hitting Ryan 2500 times, the doctor wasn't sure he got the stone broken enough. Needless to say, Ryan has been in bed for the last two days, getting up to eat and for church but has had a fever the whole time and just doesn't feel well. Please pray for him through this process. We don't know what they are going to advise for the other stone still in the kidney, but so far we are just hoping this first stone passes and they don't have to go in and get it out! Ouch! Ryan also begins school on Monday the 15th of June. Pray that all this is healed before than as well!
Other than the never-ending health issues, we are doing great! I am working out again, trying to lose some weight and tracking calories on and taking vitamins. Ryan and I are figuring this whole being healthy and getting into a routine with meals and school thing out! I can say I am truly blessed.

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