Friday, July 31, 2009

27...28...what does life have in store?

Ryan and I are turning one year older in a couple of days. Birthdays are one of my favorite holidays...well other people's birthdays are anyway. My family always held great gatherings that celebrated the person's life and as I get older, I try to create that feeling for other people I love and cherish in my life. It's strange to have birthdays away from my family because it always feels different, not that I don't enjoy the day and who I'm with or what I am doing, its just hard to give up the feeling of being surrounded by EVERYONE in your family. This is one of those life changes that I struggle with sometimes. It's been 9 years away from Louisville and each birthday just doesn't feel the same as when you are surrounded by all the people you grew up with, but I have a wonderful husband who knows me better than anyone and always tries to create that feeling for me.

This year August has come too fast! It does not feel like my birthday should be one day away! I can't believe I will be 27...I am not where I thought I would be in life, with 2 kids, a house, the dream of a 4-runner and all the other wants I had at 20, but I wouldn't trade how life is going and what I am learning! Not to say that I don't want those things, I do, but I have enjoyed the process of struggling and getting to hold onto my husband and to God through the rough patches. Ryan and I may be busy and not get to see too much of each other, with working 10 hour days, 3am wake-up calls, homework, and many other things going on, but we do stop to check on each other and talk. I love how we stay on the same page and that God guides each of us to the same spot individually. It's so amazing to see Him work in our lives.

What are my prayers for this next year?

That we would be healthy and God would care for our bodies as we are faithful in caring for them. I have begun to pray for discipline in losing a few pounds and eating healthy to prepare my body for pregnancy. Not that we are trying yet, but I just want to create the best possible environment within my body for when that day comes.

I am praying for my job, that I would work for Christ every day and treat all people I come in contact with, enjoyable or not, with love and respect. And that I would not continue the cycle of gossip that is present in this world!

I am praying that I will be a better friend, sister and daughter. That I would remember to take time to call, write notes, listen, pray, hangout and be involved in the lives of the people that mean so much to me.

I praise God for the provisions he gives us daily and continue to pray that I would use them wisely. I pray that I would be a wife that creates an environment of safety, love, comfort, and warmth for my husband and all that come into our home. I also pray that I would be a faithful steward of the money that we have been blessed with.

Pray that Ryan would hold steadfast in his job at UPS with the hope that January will bring a new chapter in his career as a student. I am so proud of his diligence and passion about accounting and finance. It brings a smile to my face to know that he loves what he is studying! I am blessed as a wife!

Thank you to everyone who has loved and supported us along the way! We are so blessed to have you in our lives. I can't wait to see what 27 and 28 has to offer Ryan and me!

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