Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Holy Is He

Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord Almighty!

I am truly blessed. God has given grace, mercy, and peace to me through his son, Jesus Christ, but because he loves me so much, he looks on me with love and continues to bless beyond what I deserve.
Life is crazy right now; some days I wake up in a fog and can't remember what day it is. (Seriously, that happened both Sat. and Sunday this weekend. And the worst part about it is, I wake up at 3:15am and think, "Ryan is late getting up!" So I start talking, asking what time his alarm is set for...and that's when his reply is, "I don't work until 8am." Whoops!)
Other days, I'm so exhausted mentally from work that I just sit and stare, but through all this, I find myself unable to contain a smile - I am joyful.
Ryan and I are being taught a lot about living for Christ right now. Not all of it is easy to learn - there is a lot of pride being beaten out of us! We looked at a house last weekend, which was super exciting to dream about our own space, but God knew to whisper to me to guard my heart. We got pre-approved for a loan, yay we can be trusted, and geared up to look. We had our eyes on a place not far from us now, but in the end, God told us NO as we walked around inside. The house needed a bunch of work and we decided that it wouldn't be intelligent to buy something and not have the money to fix things when they broke.
God has blessed us with humble quarters and has given me an attitude of thankfulness for them. We may be cramped, but we are free to save and make wise decisions about our financial future, with Christ's guidance.
In Youth Group, tons of things are changing, which is stressful. But I love serving there more than ever! I am totally filled by the energy in that place. The students are amazing; It's funny how God has refreshed my joy in that ministry, all I had to do was ask. He is so Holy!
My job is tough and I am being pulled in so many directions, but I smile and laugh all the time. It is such a wonderful feeling to enjoy where God has placed me right now.
I honestly can say that my joy and positive attitude are because Christ is my Lord, my King, my Rock, my Strength, my Salvation, my Peace, my Giver of Life! Thank you, Thank you!

Times are hard, but Christ calls us to, "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
- Matthew 11:29-30

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