Sunday, November 1, 2009

Food and Finances

I am trying a new "diet" out. My body has been out-of-control recently, with gaining and losing weight plus mood swings and just feeling really tired ALL the time and personally, I am sick of feeling less than great! So I bought a new book, Master Your Metabolism by Jillian Michaels, yes the Biggest Loser trainer and I love it!

The diet talks about getting rid of all the JUNK that we eat as Americans and getting back to nutrition our bodies recognize. I am amazed at all the bad things that go into our food nowadays and that Americans are okay to just take what is given to us. No wonder people are so overweight and struggle so much with medical bills. I don't have much to complain about, but I am one of those people that can't lose the last 15 pounds and I have several hormone imbalances that throw my system out of whack. I want to change that by changing what I eat!

So today I went to Trader Joe's for the selection of organic veggies and meats available there. Plus I am trying to cut out the high fructose corn syrup and other preservatives we eat daily. Ryan is skeptical about the change, but trying his best to be supportive. I hope that he will see the benefits to changing his diet too. I care about health and well-being like he cares for living debt free. Where I would be okay if we took out money for a car, he would not - that's cheating to him and "unhealthy" for our family; which is exactly how I feel about ingesting all the stuff that normal Americans do all the time. If you eat those foods, you are being unhealthy for yourself and your family. I hope that we can support each other in what we are passionate about and be better for it!
Wish us luck in finding a common ground to thrive on and pray for the strength to resist the temptations of the world. Pray that this would be a beginning to changing our family legacy for food and finances; that Ryan and I would compliment each other's passions and grow through the process.

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