Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Semester End

It has been a long time! So much has happened, yet it all seems to be routine. We have almost completed our first semester free from UPS! Ryan is loving working for NIU and will finish his master's degree in May 2011. Our plan is to have begun the CPA exams at that point and hopefully move to where he finds a job. (We are not sure where that will be, but we are willing to go where ever God is leading.)

I have almost been in my job for a year now! I can't believe how quickly time flies! I love what I do; meeting new people and seeing them succeed is the best. I will not pretend that it is all roses however. There have been struggles, which I try not to get me down. Recently it has been worse than normal and I am not sure why. Some of it is definitely the attitudes and stress levels of everyone in the office, but I also can't rule myself and how I feel out of the mix. I have been stressed about lots of things in my life and I can't quite seem to get a firm grip on them or let go completely so that I don't have anxiety. This is not like me! I typically can let go.

Please pray for me, that I would be still and listen to God's voice and that I would take care of myself, mind, body and soul! I need to find a stress-reliever, like working out that I love to do! What that is, I don't know yet. God has me in a "holding" pattern and I haven't figured out what he is teaching me. Pray also that I would love others, EVEN WHEN IT'S HARD! I know he is teaching me about this with work. I have some ideas about what I want to do this summer, but I am not sure how to pull it off yet. Pray for creative clarity! :)

I don't get to keep in touch with friends as much as I would like, but know that I love you all and miss seeing you!

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