Monday, July 23, 2012

A mile between each S


Just a video today.  Friday was the first time Evan would smile at what you were doing and we now have video evidence.  You can skip to around the 1:10 mark for faster viewer.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Eyes on the prize


Had a big week.

Emily had a doctors appointment to have her eyes looked at.  The doctor said there appears to be nothing to worry about and they will recheck her in six months.  They informed us that about 20% of the population has pupils that are different sizes.

Evan seems to be doing better and is coughing less after feedings.  We have switched to a soy based formula for their supplements and it has seemed to help both of them.  They are settling into a nice pattern of feeding and sleeping at night.  They still feed about every 3 1/2 hours, but they go to sleep faster and sleeper better in between then they did in the past.  I am still longing for the day when they sleep 8 straight hours.  Jacqueline continues to encourage me to enjoy the stage they are at and no focus on what they aren't doing.  Good advice just hard to hear and put into practice.

A few more pics than normal, including some of their 2 month pictures that J took today.

Dad only allows this because it is U of L Cards and not that other team we don't speak of.

Not ready for my close up, need more sleep

I'm cute and I know it

Finally ready for my close up

Put the camera down cause I'm hungry

Fine, wake me when you're done

Done yet?

Enjoying time together

One is much more willing to have their picture taken

How come he gets to sleep?

I am REALLY hungry now

Sleeping it off

I don't even have to try to be cute

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Until we are blue in the face


Last night was another first for us.  We made our first ER trip.  Evan gave us the scare of our lives last night.  Jacqueline had just finished feeding him and passed him to me to burp.  She began feeding Emily and we started our favorite way to pass the hour or so it takes to complete the feeding process, an episode of Bones.  We didn't make it more than five minutes in when Evan started to cough.  This is something he has done on a few occasions in the last week or so, but this time would be different.  It seemed like he was trying to spit up and couldn't, so he began coughing harder.  After a few seconds of this he stopped coughing and I began a process of aging a decade in ten seconds.

He wasn't breathing, was beat red, and in a matter of seconds his lips started turning blue.  I could feel my heart hit the floor.  Jacqueline told me to blow in his face and elevate his feet. I did both and was calling out his name (not that he responds to his name, but I would have quacked like duck if I thought it would help).  Ten seconds or so later, which passed in ten years, he began coughing again.  The whole process lasted about two minutes and he calmed down.  We called the pediatrician and they told us to go the ER.

They did an EKG, chest X-ray, and are running cultures for a host of things including whooping cough.  He was admitted and is still at Lurie Children's Hospital. So far everything has been normal and the docs think it was a case of reflux gone bad.  He might have a little cold type thing that is contributing to the problem.  If everything checks out and they don't find a major underlining cause of the event then he should be home tonight.

I have never wanted him home more, not even when they were in the NICU.  We are praying, and ask you to join us, that this doesn't happen again, that there are no insurance issues - Jacqueline was officially done with NIU yesterday and we will be switching everyone to my insurance - and that his reflux begins to clear quickly.  The doctors have said there is no real time table for reflux to calm down, but six months is usually the earliest.  So we are aiming for that time frame.

Lurie Children's Hospital is very nice and has some great views of the city.  I will try to add some pictures or video (our point and shoot is officially dead) tomorrow.



We were sent home about 2 this afternoon.  Doctors think it was a 'perfect storm' of small cold and reflux.  We are still waiting on a few labs that will be back on Monday, but they are pretty sure it isn't anything worse. X-rays, EKG, and all other tests were normal and they are happy to see him eating well, which they take as a sign he isn't too sick.

The biggest challenge tonight will be to sleep instead of staring at him all night looking for signs of life.  Thanks for the prayers and words of encouragement.  We have many praises, not the least of which is that Evan wasn't one of the 'traumas' that came into the ER the same time we were there.

Waiting for doctors. There were some more critical than our little man and I was okay with that.

So far he isn't a fan of stickers

The monitor allowed the mind, and body, to rest

Home away from home for about 18 hours

A night full of tests makes for a tired little man

Thursday, July 12, 2012

A Real Tearjerker


There have been a few developments in the past few days.  The first thing we noticed is that both kids will do a little tracking.  If you get close or put something in the line of sight they will follow it.  Evan will even grab for items in front of him.  Of course, we also notice them getting bigger.  We did an unofficial weigh in, with Emily over 7 1/2 pounds and Evan at 8 3/4 pounds.  That means Emily has put on over 3 pounds since birth and Evan has added 4.  Evan is now the size I was when I was born and Emily is close to what J was when she was born.

The other thing we have noticed is that their hunger screams are now filled with tears.  For over a week now they have had wet eyes when they cry.  Now they have had actual tears run down their cheek.  I thought the crying was tough to handle, but seeing an actual tear just isn't fair.  That is going to make next Friday tough for mom and dad.  It is there first round of shots and I am not looking forward to it and no one is sticking me with a needle.

The other development that J noticed Emily's pupils were different sizes yesterday.  It is more noticeable in low light, but it was clear they were different sizes.  We called the pediatrician and she had us set up an appointment with an optometrist.  That appointment is Monday at 8:15 am so at least we have the whole weekend to imagine the worst case scenario.  We are confident that it is nothing serious and know that it won't be anything more than we can handle with the strength and grace of the Lord.

Here are a few videos - one of the twins and one of their big sis beating the eat with ice in a kiddy pool.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Six of one, half dozen of the other


Six weeks ago today our lives changed forever.  I can't believe it has already been six weeks.  I can't believe it has only been six weeks.  How is it possible that time is flying by and dragging on minute by minute? I can't remember our lives without this two attention hogs.  I can remember each negative pregnancy test we had for over two years.  I don't remember what a full night sleep feels like.  I remember when the biggest thing I had to complain about was Maggie wanting to go out at 7:30 on a Saturday.

We are moving along quiet well.  The kids still like to shower us with a milky gift after most feeds, but their antacid medicine is working well and they don't cry after spitting up.  A shirt change for mom and dad is as bad as it has been for a couple of days (and that is only if we don't have the burp cloth positioned properly).  Even better than that is the length of time our little man has been going between feeds at night.  The last two nights he has gone 4 1/2 hours at night.  He will feed at 11:30 and go until 3 or a little after.  Emily is still building up her time but she goes around 3 and half hours between feeds.  The process is getting more manageable and we are so thankful for Mam-ma's (Jacqueline's mom) help.

Our camera is officially dead so tonight I have uploaded a few older pics and a video of them spending some sibling time together.