Thursday, July 12, 2012

A Real Tearjerker


There have been a few developments in the past few days.  The first thing we noticed is that both kids will do a little tracking.  If you get close or put something in the line of sight they will follow it.  Evan will even grab for items in front of him.  Of course, we also notice them getting bigger.  We did an unofficial weigh in, with Emily over 7 1/2 pounds and Evan at 8 3/4 pounds.  That means Emily has put on over 3 pounds since birth and Evan has added 4.  Evan is now the size I was when I was born and Emily is close to what J was when she was born.

The other thing we have noticed is that their hunger screams are now filled with tears.  For over a week now they have had wet eyes when they cry.  Now they have had actual tears run down their cheek.  I thought the crying was tough to handle, but seeing an actual tear just isn't fair.  That is going to make next Friday tough for mom and dad.  It is there first round of shots and I am not looking forward to it and no one is sticking me with a needle.

The other development that J noticed Emily's pupils were different sizes yesterday.  It is more noticeable in low light, but it was clear they were different sizes.  We called the pediatrician and she had us set up an appointment with an optometrist.  That appointment is Monday at 8:15 am so at least we have the whole weekend to imagine the worst case scenario.  We are confident that it is nothing serious and know that it won't be anything more than we can handle with the strength and grace of the Lord.

Here are a few videos - one of the twins and one of their big sis beating the eat with ice in a kiddy pool.

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