Sunday, July 1, 2012

Six of one, half dozen of the other


Six weeks ago today our lives changed forever.  I can't believe it has already been six weeks.  I can't believe it has only been six weeks.  How is it possible that time is flying by and dragging on minute by minute? I can't remember our lives without this two attention hogs.  I can remember each negative pregnancy test we had for over two years.  I don't remember what a full night sleep feels like.  I remember when the biggest thing I had to complain about was Maggie wanting to go out at 7:30 on a Saturday.

We are moving along quiet well.  The kids still like to shower us with a milky gift after most feeds, but their antacid medicine is working well and they don't cry after spitting up.  A shirt change for mom and dad is as bad as it has been for a couple of days (and that is only if we don't have the burp cloth positioned properly).  Even better than that is the length of time our little man has been going between feeds at night.  The last two nights he has gone 4 1/2 hours at night.  He will feed at 11:30 and go until 3 or a little after.  Emily is still building up her time but she goes around 3 and half hours between feeds.  The process is getting more manageable and we are so thankful for Mam-ma's (Jacqueline's mom) help.

Our camera is officially dead so tonight I have uploaded a few older pics and a video of them spending some sibling time together.

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