Thursday, October 30, 2008

Life has been pretty busy here for us. I have decided to quite one of my jobs, which I hate to do because I don't like feeling like I can't help someone out when they need it. But with that said, the company needs someone who doesn't have to be trained at all(magically), can work full-time and do it for less than 10/hr. I just need to focus more on school and making sure my priorities are straight in life! I have been praying for strength as I prepare to talk with my boss! I am scared! Ryan and I have also been praying for another job to come my way that would fit better into my schedule; and God is so faithful! I just got a call about a bookbinding job! They are willing to teach me everything I need to know and I can work when is convenient for me! Ryan's job is still going well at UPS...we are waiting to hear if he will have extra hours during the holidays or not. I don't enjoy the waiting game at all!
We did have some fun the past couple of weeks though! We carved pumpkins with the Wells' clan downstairs and watched NIU win another football game with Jeff. We are blessed with great family and friends here in DeKalb/Malta!

This is the pumpkin I carved of Ryan and me at our cocktail party before the wedding.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Freeport Art Center Juried Exhibition

Okay, so here is the info for the show! There is a members preview reception on Friday, November 14th from 5-7pm, which is when they will announce with first, second, and third place winners! I don't really care if I win anything, it is just so nice to have my work showing outside of NIU! It makes you feel like it is worth it to make art and get people to talk about your work and what it means.
The gallery is sending postcards to about 30 friends and family members of each artist! I am just so excited!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Art Show!

So I just got a letter from a show I applied for and I got accepted! I will be showing a photography at the Freeport Art Museum next month! More info to come!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The passing of time

Recently I have been amazed at how quickly time passes. Everything seems to bunch together when you get older and I find it hard to keep it all straight! But the funny thing is, I know that my life is so blessed because I see God working in it all the time! I have seen him heal a friend, when things didn't seem to be good at all, I have felt him give me such a sense of peace in the middle of struggles and I have heard him whisper in my ear the words to say to friends at difficult times.
Currently, I am working to finish my schooling and deciding to apply for teaching positions across the nation. I know that God has the perfect plan for Ryan and I in our careers and home life, but prayer is what keeps my faith and trust alive. Please pray for discipline for me in getting the "teaching packet" together!
Ryan is doing great at work and he meets with an adviser from NIU today to get the recommended classes for the Spring! How exciting! Our journey is beginning to reshape itself, but God is so great in the midst! He is using Ryan and I in ways I never thought possible. While he and I are so busy, God allows time to spend with friends and family. We may not be rich, but we are blessed with joy and peace beyond understanding.

Thank you Lord!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

In the Life of the Wells'

Ryan and I have been married now for about 15 months and what a journey it has been so far! We have grown so much in our relationship with each other and with our friends and God. Right now, I am in the last 2 semesters of grad school for my Masters of Fine Arts in Photography and teaching at NIU in the foundations program for freshman art. I also work for a local photo studio in DeKalb a couple days a week. Ryan is beginning his grad degree in Accountancy this spring! We are very excited about this, well as Ry would say, "being cautiously optimistic" about having all the money we need to both be in school next semester without taking any loans out! Ryan is also working for UPS and at our church, helping out our pastor. God has been so faithful in providing what we have needed!

I have included some of my favorite photos from childhood of Ryan and I! Just for fun.