Tuesday, October 9, 2012

One year (part 1)

A year ago I was sitting at home with my mom, Ryan, Tracie (MIL), and Hannah. That day was a huge day in our lives. It was the day that two little embryos were injected into my womb.
We started the year out with a bang!

That morning, October 9, 2011 was the Chicago marathon, which shuts down major streets in the city. We had just moved to Chicago on the 1st and didn't realize the impact of this event on traffic patterns. In true Wells style we were running late to get to our appointment and this made things even more exciting. Our appointment was in Naperville too! Luckily our doctors were understanding and all I had to do was call!

We made it to the office and as I prepared for the procedure a wave of nausea came over me. I thought it was a response to all the excitement and medication I had been injecting myself with and didn't think too much about it. When we went into the "OR" or some place very similar I actually began throwing up. To the point that the embryos almost were not introduced that day! (little did we know that in a week we would have possibly chosen to wait). With an extra ultrasound of my abdomen the dr decided everything was okay and we could proceed.

The rest of the day was uneventful. We laid around and tried a new restaurant for dinner. Bar on Buena. Not too bad.

This day a year ago 16 little cells were placed in me. I am in awe of what God made out of them! Em and Ev are amazing!! I love them so so much.

I won't pretend like things are easy, but I could not have imagined more perfect children for Ryan and myself.

I would not trade the past year for anything!! God has blessed my soul!

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