Tuesday, October 30, 2012

One year (part two)

The next day however did not go so well! I woke up around 3am needing to use the restroom. My entire abdomen hurt so bad that I passed out trying to urinate. I decided I needed to go to the ER. My mom and I drove back to Naperville in case my docter needed to see me.

This was also Ryan's first day at work! What craziness.

We were treated at the ER for constipation, which was more painful than trying to use the restroom and I almost passed out again! They sent me home without much hope and said to eat a clear liquid diet and fiber.

I tried eating lunch, thinking the whole time, that if it came up it was going to look like the scene from the exorcist; my mom made pea soup. Half of it went fine and then all of a sudden my whole body was sweating, I was shivering, and it felt like I was being ripped open from the inside out! It did look like the exorcist after all and I was put on clear liquids only plus Powerade. As the week progressed, I felt a little better, even returned to work, but by the next Monday, I was back in the ER. I couldn't keep anything, not even water, in me and my whole body felt like it was being torn open.

I was admitted to the ICU on October 17, 2011 for ovarian hyper-stimulation. My kidneys had begun to fail and my O2 levels were very low, not to mention I couldn't take a full breath, pee, or even think about my body not shivering from pain.

Lots happened that first hour in the ER. A chest xray, CT scan of my lungs, EKG, heart ultrasound, two IVs were started to try to rehydrate me, and arterial blood was drawn. All while I COULD have been pregnant. I just remember telling everyone to take precautions assuming I was pregnant.

It wouldn't be until October 20 that I would be told I was in fact pregnant. After four days in the ICU, my abdomen drained of excess fluid one time, and swelling beyond belief! The swelling made carrying twins seem easy!

I was released on Sunday and went straight to live with Drew and Tracie in Dekalb. I was placed on bed rest for one month and restricted activity until December 15. Needless to say, Ryan became a bachelor living in the city with Maggie.

November 1, 2011, we found out both embryos implanted and February 10, we found out it was a boy and a girl and knew them by name!

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