Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Yay Ryan

Just wanted to write and let everyone know that Ryan got offered the graduate assistant ship for this upcoming Spring! We are so excited, but don' t know much details. I know that he will be working 20 hours at NIU like I did and school will be paid for!!! I am so proud of Ryan and what he is accomplishing during his time at Northern. Thanks and praise go to God as well for providing for us, again and again!


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Food and Finances

I am trying a new "diet" out. My body has been out-of-control recently, with gaining and losing weight plus mood swings and just feeling really tired ALL the time and personally, I am sick of feeling less than great! So I bought a new book, Master Your Metabolism by Jillian Michaels, yes the Biggest Loser trainer and I love it!

The diet talks about getting rid of all the JUNK that we eat as Americans and getting back to nutrition our bodies recognize. I am amazed at all the bad things that go into our food nowadays and that Americans are okay to just take what is given to us. No wonder people are so overweight and struggle so much with medical bills. I don't have much to complain about, but I am one of those people that can't lose the last 15 pounds and I have several hormone imbalances that throw my system out of whack. I want to change that by changing what I eat!

So today I went to Trader Joe's for the selection of organic veggies and meats available there. Plus I am trying to cut out the high fructose corn syrup and other preservatives we eat daily. Ryan is skeptical about the change, but trying his best to be supportive. I hope that he will see the benefits to changing his diet too. I care about health and well-being like he cares for living debt free. Where I would be okay if we took out money for a car, he would not - that's cheating to him and "unhealthy" for our family; which is exactly how I feel about ingesting all the stuff that normal Americans do all the time. If you eat those foods, you are being unhealthy for yourself and your family. I hope that we can support each other in what we are passionate about and be better for it!
Wish us luck in finding a common ground to thrive on and pray for the strength to resist the temptations of the world. Pray that this would be a beginning to changing our family legacy for food and finances; that Ryan and I would compliment each other's passions and grow through the process.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Holy Is He

Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord Almighty!

I am truly blessed. God has given grace, mercy, and peace to me through his son, Jesus Christ, but because he loves me so much, he looks on me with love and continues to bless beyond what I deserve.
Life is crazy right now; some days I wake up in a fog and can't remember what day it is. (Seriously, that happened both Sat. and Sunday this weekend. And the worst part about it is, I wake up at 3:15am and think, "Ryan is late getting up!" So I start talking, asking what time his alarm is set for...and that's when his reply is, "I don't work until 8am." Whoops!)
Other days, I'm so exhausted mentally from work that I just sit and stare, but through all this, I find myself unable to contain a smile - I am joyful.
Ryan and I are being taught a lot about living for Christ right now. Not all of it is easy to learn - there is a lot of pride being beaten out of us! We looked at a house last weekend, which was super exciting to dream about our own space, but God knew to whisper to me to guard my heart. We got pre-approved for a loan, yay we can be trusted, and geared up to look. We had our eyes on a place not far from us now, but in the end, God told us NO as we walked around inside. The house needed a bunch of work and we decided that it wouldn't be intelligent to buy something and not have the money to fix things when they broke.
God has blessed us with humble quarters and has given me an attitude of thankfulness for them. We may be cramped, but we are free to save and make wise decisions about our financial future, with Christ's guidance.
In Youth Group, tons of things are changing, which is stressful. But I love serving there more than ever! I am totally filled by the energy in that place. The students are amazing; It's funny how God has refreshed my joy in that ministry, all I had to do was ask. He is so Holy!
My job is tough and I am being pulled in so many directions, but I smile and laugh all the time. It is such a wonderful feeling to enjoy where God has placed me right now.
I honestly can say that my joy and positive attitude are because Christ is my Lord, my King, my Rock, my Strength, my Salvation, my Peace, my Giver of Life! Thank you, Thank you!

Times are hard, but Christ calls us to, "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
- Matthew 11:29-30

Friday, July 31, 2009

27...28...what does life have in store?

Ryan and I are turning one year older in a couple of days. Birthdays are one of my favorite holidays...well other people's birthdays are anyway. My family always held great gatherings that celebrated the person's life and as I get older, I try to create that feeling for other people I love and cherish in my life. It's strange to have birthdays away from my family because it always feels different, not that I don't enjoy the day and who I'm with or what I am doing, its just hard to give up the feeling of being surrounded by EVERYONE in your family. This is one of those life changes that I struggle with sometimes. It's been 9 years away from Louisville and each birthday just doesn't feel the same as when you are surrounded by all the people you grew up with, but I have a wonderful husband who knows me better than anyone and always tries to create that feeling for me.

This year August has come too fast! It does not feel like my birthday should be one day away! I can't believe I will be 27...I am not where I thought I would be in life, with 2 kids, a house, the dream of a 4-runner and all the other wants I had at 20, but I wouldn't trade how life is going and what I am learning! Not to say that I don't want those things, I do, but I have enjoyed the process of struggling and getting to hold onto my husband and to God through the rough patches. Ryan and I may be busy and not get to see too much of each other, with working 10 hour days, 3am wake-up calls, homework, and many other things going on, but we do stop to check on each other and talk. I love how we stay on the same page and that God guides each of us to the same spot individually. It's so amazing to see Him work in our lives.

What are my prayers for this next year?

That we would be healthy and God would care for our bodies as we are faithful in caring for them. I have begun to pray for discipline in losing a few pounds and eating healthy to prepare my body for pregnancy. Not that we are trying yet, but I just want to create the best possible environment within my body for when that day comes.

I am praying for my job, that I would work for Christ every day and treat all people I come in contact with, enjoyable or not, with love and respect. And that I would not continue the cycle of gossip that is present in this world!

I am praying that I will be a better friend, sister and daughter. That I would remember to take time to call, write notes, listen, pray, hangout and be involved in the lives of the people that mean so much to me.

I praise God for the provisions he gives us daily and continue to pray that I would use them wisely. I pray that I would be a wife that creates an environment of safety, love, comfort, and warmth for my husband and all that come into our home. I also pray that I would be a faithful steward of the money that we have been blessed with.

Pray that Ryan would hold steadfast in his job at UPS with the hope that January will bring a new chapter in his career as a student. I am so proud of his diligence and passion about accounting and finance. It brings a smile to my face to know that he loves what he is studying! I am blessed as a wife!

Thank you to everyone who has loved and supported us along the way! We are so blessed to have you in our lives. I can't wait to see what 27 and 28 has to offer Ryan and me!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Stones round 2

It's been awhile! I am now a NIU graduate with my Master's of Fine Arts degree and a real job at NIU recruiting students to come experience the School of Art! I can't believe that the day has come, well 3 weeks ago, that I finally have just a job, no school to go along with it. It's amazing how I feel like I need to be doing something for work all the time because that is how I felt at school. I feel guilty that I don't do everything I didn't finish during the day at home that night. I am still getting familiar with that idea.
Ryan finished his first semester at NIU with great grades and is still working at UPS in the morning then stays to pick up hours driving until about noon each day. I love that I married a man that is willing to work hard, even when he doesn't like the work, to provide the means for us to save and give!
Over Memorial weekend we traveled to Kansas City to see our good friends! It was a great time! Ethan has grown so much and is the funniest kid I have ever seen! I think my favorite times were him making MMM sounds eating garlic and herb cheese spread and pulling Ryan out of his seat to go to the park! HOW CUT
E! Meeting Titus was also amazing. How different he is than his brother, already! Titus is really laid back and generally happy no matter what's going on. Ethan definitely was more curious at 2 months than Titus seems to be; Titus is just fine doing nothing. Elizabeth looked great and is such a great mom! How beautiful is was to see her raising her kids to love and respect her, Trevor and our Father! All-in-all I had such a good time and really miss having their friendship close by! (Sorry that doesn't mean we are moving to KC anytime soon) :(
While we were getting in the car to leave KC and Ryan tells me he needs to go to the doctor when we get home. Ryan is never the one to say that, usually it's me telling him we need to go because he doesn't feel well. This time he knew what was going on though...Kidney stones, again. We have made it 1 1/2 years since the first experience with these things. This time Ryan had two large (5mm and 7mm) stones stuck in the kidney. We scheduled litho
tripsy for this last Friday and the night before one of the stones moved in the ureter. This is somewhat painful, but more annoying because that meant the doctors could only target the stone in the ureter to be broken up. So that's what they did, but after hitting Ryan 2500 times, the doctor wasn't sure he got the stone broken enough. Needless to say, Ryan has been in bed for the last two days, getting up to eat and for church but has had a fever the whole time and just doesn't feel well. Please pray for him through this process. We don't know what they are going to advise for the other stone still in the kidney, but so far we are just hoping this first stone passes and they don't have to go in and get it out! Ouch! Ryan also begins school on Monday the 15th of June. Pray that all this is healed before than as well!
Other than the never-ending health issues, we are doing great! I am working out again, trying to lose some weight and tracking calories on livestrong.com and taking vitamins. Ryan and I are figuring this whole being healthy and getting into a routine with meals and school thing out! I can say I am truly blessed.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The Finish Line

Okay, so the end of the semester is upon us here at the Wells household! I have finished the writing part of my documentation and am now on to the laying it out and making sure all the required text is where it needs to be! Basically, I am DONE! My students are not though. Finals begin next week for my 3D class and they are slightly stressed out. I am super excited, but they really do have a lot going on right now. (Other exams and studio classes) Ugh- I remember those days!
Ryan is feeling the pressure as well. He is doing great, but as a perfectionist, he wants to do better. So studying is in the near future for him over these last two weeks of school. Then break time! Not from the 3am wake-up calls, but at least from classes.
We are both still waiting to here about job possibilities. Mine is the recruitment position at NIU and Ryan's is the possible graduate assistantship for accountancy. Hopefully, I will be able to post here soon that we both received something! Please pray for these opportunities in our lives, but no matter what happens, we know that God is good and has a plan for us!
Next week we are watching the Brandon kids and Ringo while they are away. We will have a 10 and 13 year-old boys...I am excited and curious to see how the week goes. They are great boys so I expect to have a lot of fun with some homework in there!
The month of May is already getting so busy! My friend Anna is having a bridal shower on the 2nd, there is a youth retreat the 1st and 2nd, the 8th is a show opening in Chicago, the 15th is my show opening here in DeKalb, the 16th is Hannah's bday and Anna's Bachelorette party, the 19th is my Lia Sophia party and then Ry and I are traveling to Kansas City for Memorial Weekend! Hopefully, I will get to go home at some point during the first part of the month! I really miss Louisville and my family!
Hope everyone is doing well!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter Photo Essay

The blur of the morning

Ryan and Troy goofing off like usual!

Dave, brightening the morning for many!

Jessica and me prepping fruit

Nick and Andrew taking care of the pancakes

Carbs and protein, what else do you need?

The ensemble that sang beautifully!

Pastor Steve getting into the Word!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Growing Up Girl

MFA Show

Framing Costs: 879.96
(After a rushed order for frame parts): 927.87

Mat cutting costs: 156.44

Photo paper cost: 200.00

Printing Images: 35.00

Storage boxes for extra prints: 53.85

Website design fee: 250.00

Website domain and hosting fees: 55.54

Show Postcards and business cards: 100.00

Cut vinyl for show title: 20.00

Food for reception costs: about 300.00

Total to have an MFA show: 2098.70

Being one step closer to finishing my MFA degree and not stressing out: Priceless!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

No News

Okay well, I have been back to the doctor twice, once for another urine analysis and the second for a CT Scan with and without contrast dye...and still no news! It is very frustrating to have to wait, in pain, for an answer because your doctor doesn't work on the weekend! So Monday morning I am calling to find out if I need further treatment or just have to suck it up and try to live through the mysterious pain. AHHHH

I am currently sitting at my computer writing my senior comprehensive exam responses...well procrastinating at writing them...They have been started, which is the hardest part, but I have a hard time focusing my thoughts when it comes to my own artwork. I foresee a couple late nights tonight and tomorrow :) :( Other school news is that I dropped off some images to the framer today! YAY! MCR Framing is cutting all the mat board and backing for the images and should be finished next week when I begin the framing process! So the show stuff is coming right along! I will soon have my own website too. A friend is helping me build the site at a slight fee and I am super excited to have it! Can't wait! I will post the link when it is complete.

Did I mention that I would really like a puppy! A goldendoodle would be perfect right now.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


It's been awhile. Life is still humming along...my show is about 3 weeks away and I though I would be super stressed about it. Either I am in denial or have faith that everything will get done! I like to think it is the second option :) I still have my moments of freaking out, but not too bad at all.
The recent news has been that Ryan and I are sick! We both got the flu this past weekend, mine seemed to be a cold that just wouldn't go away & then turned very bad whereas Ryan has just caught what I have and Dayquil seems to be helping. I went to the doctor for my body aches plus my "cold" that hadn't gone away after 2 weeks of mucinex dm. The doc gave me a prescription of a z-pack and 800mg of Ibprofen...my body feels better, but the doctor seemed concerned that my back had been hurting for 3 weeks when I hadn't injured it from working out(another pain in my life :)...so she ordered a urine analysis...well I just got the call that I don't have a UTI, but there is blood in my urine. So I go back Monday to see if I have kidney stones or a kidney infection! I think it is because I married Ryan and God wanted me to have sympathy for him when he gets his stones in the future! So I am on fever watch right now and am suppose to go back if my fever returns before Monday.
No news on the job front other than it is still a possibility...so still waiting to hear anything about interviews and such. I will keep everyone posted when I know more.

Ellie only has about 3 weeks until Titus James is born!!!!!!!! Can't wait to meet him!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Truckin' Along

So 2009 is moving along smoothly so far, but you know how when that starts happening, you have a tendency to just let it move and aren't intentional with ANYTHING in your life...Well, I am there! Realizing this, I plan to step away from the contentment monster and get back to work!
List of things to do:
- Continue to photograph! Show coming very soon...less than one month to prepare!
- Keep sending out job applications and constantly update the resume!
- Continue my walk with growing closer to Christ! Prayer time is a must!
- Design my show postcards and build a website
- Stay up-to-date with friends...proving to be most difficult right now
- Stick to my new workout routine
- Encourage Ryan in work and school! He is such a big help and a great partner for me!
- Play some and laugh a lot

The playing some hasn't been too difficult to maintain, but I can feel that sense of laziness coming back :(

On a good note, I have a show opening in Gallery 214 at NIU next week! It is sort of an impromptu' photography show that Kim Strom is curating! She is awesome and I love being in her shows! The show, Foto 2009, is up from February 2-15 with a closing reception sometime around the 12th! Can't wait! I am in the process of looking for more shows around the region and writing some show proposals for hopefully a spot in Louisville. I will keep you updated on that front.
Pray for a potential job for me. I don't want to give too many details, but there is an amazing opportuinty that I was approached about to gage my interest, but not a job offering, at NIU. It would be a full time job starting soon that would potentially delay my graduation by a semester, but it would give Ryan and I a much needed increase in funds to help pay down my school loan and save for his upcoming semesters. And maybe save for some other future plans as well! We are in-waiting right now about where the university is going and what kind of person they are wanting to hire. Please pray!
Not much else is going on...Ryan and I started p90x, a workout routine, that is kicking our butts! My brother gave it to us for Christmas and so far so good. You workout at home, but wow...I can feel it! So maybe that next time you see us in bathing suits we will be buff! At least that's my hope :)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year! A couple days late!

Welcome 2009! Ryan and I had a quiet evening at home with a friend, watching tv and playing Wii. We are getting old! :) Winter break was FULL of events! Christmas eve was a nice evening at church and getting to see Tre and Ellie and Ethan! It was good to have them here even if it was just for a couple of hours. Christmas morning we opened gifts with Ryan's family then quickly left for the airport so that I could fly home to surprise my family!!!!! I had the best time walking into my uncle's house! The look on everyone's faces was classic! I thought my Dad would cry, but I think he was too much in shock to even react! I spent the night with my dad and stepmom and then the next morning found my Mom at the nail salon. I had to invade her personal space before she even looked at me! She was also in shock! So from there I spent some time with my mom and Dave and my grandparents. I also had time to see Liz...and the tiny baby bump she is sporting before leaving to come back to the winter wonderland.
I rode back with my Mom and Dave because they had already planned on visiting the week following Christmas and we spent the night in Chi-town on Saturday. It rained all night, but that didn't stop us from shopping and eating! The next few days were relaxed in DeKalb and the surrounding areas.
Amber came into town on the 31st and stayed until Jan. 5th. We played in Chicago, Schaumberg and DeKalb. She shopped til she dropped and then got food poisoning...NOT FUN. We went to our favorite restaurant and then Second City...and she was sick the whole time! Even the ride home, which Ryan struggled with. If you know him, you know he doesn't do well with the sound of vomiting!
Since Amber has left, school has picked up again. Officially it starts Monday, but facutly week just wrapped up. I found out that I am teaching two classes this semester, which doesn't happen! Through complications with the economy and other factors, I am teaching a drawing 2 class (color) and a 3D design class. I am excited and anxious all at the same time. It is my final semester, which HAS to be productive and I want to teach well too! OH and I have been applying to teaching jobs across the nation! I am positive...but know that it is very difficult to get a job right out of school. Please pray for the right fit! Something that will provide for Ryan and I and his ability to finish his accounting degree!
I think that is all that is going on right now! I am currently updating this and procrastinating about writing my letters of intent to schools!

So back to work for me it is!