Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Where has the time gone?


Today was a big guy for our not so little guys.  It was their first snow fall.  A fitting way to bring the close to a crazy month.  I know there is the little thing called Halloween left this month, but I try to ignore the day all together.  So lets wrap this thing up shall we?

This month has seen a move to a new state and a bunch of traveling.  As Jacqueline mentioned in the previous post we are now residing in the state of Ohio and enjoying the nonstop campaign ads.  One of the big adventures of the month was a tour of the Midwest.  The circumstances of the tour we not the best, but we made a family adventure out of it and managed to make it back to Cincy in one piece.  Jacqueline's grandfather passed away on Sept 30th, so we went to Louisville the first week of October to be with family there.  We didn't stay long because a good friend of mine from school lost his father, so the family headed up to Michigan to visit with them and be at the memorial service.  Both were fine men and will be missed.  There is no doubt that Evan and Emily will hear stories about both.  They will hear how they met their great-grandfather and how he loved to feed the squirrels in his back yard, loved the U of L, and most importantly his family.  They will also hear about Chris Warren and how he and his family were a family away from home for their dad while he was in school.  They will hear how Chris loved to run and had a treadmill that wasn't going to fit into the basement, 'but let's try and get it down there anyway.' They will hear how at Chris' memorial service he was remembered well, but the lasting memory of that night will be that HE was greatly praised.

This month was big for Jacqueline and I too.  I know for me it was the first time that it really sank in that it time to start raising them.  Up to this point, and to a large extent going forward, we have been meeting needs-changing diapers, feeding, comforting.  However, I have seen them responding more to us and soon enough guidance and directions will be of the greatest concern.  We have been charged with caring for these two little ones, but we also have a greater responsibility.  This month, for the first time, I have understood that the time is coming, and soon, for us to start to teach and guide.

Okay, back to the other reason you all tuned in...cute pictures... I will break them up into a few posts cause there are a lot to choice from.

This a series of us trying to a family shot...fail, but enjoy.


Unknown said...

Thanks again for coming to Pappa Warren's service several weeks back. It was awesome to see all four of you but as has been said several times "I wish it was under better circumstances". Thanks for the shout-out and thanks for encouraging me to be a better dad everyday. Raising two little ones is tons of fun and a ton of work, but the blessings are the best. Love you all. Sleep well!

J said...

Our sympathies and prayer for your loss.