Friday, June 15, 2012

In the weeds


Well, the length of time since the last post should give some indication of how the week went.  We have been dealing with a sick dog and two kids that won't stop eating.  As I try to shake the fog of little sleep off each morning I can't help but think 'I signed up for this.'  I know it could be worse and we could be without all help we have been receiving.  However, the non-stop schedule is taking its toll on all of us.  I, for one, was jealous of a homeless man this week.  I have not lived in the city long enough to walk past people on the street unnoticed (and I hope I never get to that point) and my heart usually aches for them.  One morning this week I was on the bus and I noticed a homeless guy sleeping in a park as we rolled by and I caught myself wishing I could switch places.  Of course, reality set in and I ached for that man, but for one brief moment I was willing to sleep in the park for nights on end if it meant sleep.

I haven't had to clean up after the dog in several days and she doesn't need to go out several times a night any longer so we are back to our 5 or 6 hours of sleep on a good night and plugging away.

Enough whining, b/c I wouldn't trade these little growing weeds for anything (even sleep in a park).  Time for pictures.

Tummy Time

There is no way you are making me lay on my tummy!

I got 'em, you guys go take a nap you look tired.

Pretty common, Emily is awake and Evan is asleep

'Is it time to eat?'
'No, then why am I awake?'

Throw your hands in the air and way 'em around like you just don't care

The twins meeting one of many of their prayer warriors. Thanks Ms. Mary!

Evidence they are growing. This was big on him two weeks ago.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

monkey bum!