Saturday, June 9, 2012

It won't be like this for long


The grind continues. Sleep is short, feedings are often, and fuses are short at times. When my fuse is short I pray the Lord reminds me it won't be like this for long. It is a nice reminder. Not only will the lack of sleep fade, but whatever joy and excitement is to be had at this time in their lives can only be had once. The day is coming when I tell Emily she can't go to that party or Evan that he isn't allowed to use the car and doors will slam. It won't be like this for long.

To that end, let me tell you about the enjoyments of the past couple of days. Both chunkers are over 5 lbs! Evan was 5 lb 6 oz (up 10 oz in a week) at yesterdays weigh in and Emily was 5 lb 1/2 oz (up 8 oz in a week). The doctor was happy with what she was seeing and must have seen the 1000 yard stares in our eyes. She even offered up great encouragement to the tired parents. It was only the second time the kids have ventured out on the mean streets of Chicago and this trip was much smoother than the first. Jacqueline had bottles on the ready in case they were needed. A great plan because they were needed and we weren't serenaded by starving children on the way home.

The big adventure today was a trip out and about just to get out of the house. We loaded the kids up in the semi-truck (their double snap'n go stroller) and went on a three block walk. We even took the dog along. Today was the first time the whole family hit the streets together. Let me tell you the fine folks on the northside were not ready. We had 130+ lbs of dog leading the charge and 10 and 1/2 pounds of babies in her wake. Maggie would charge ahead and then turn and wait for the stroller to catch up. She would give a quick sniff to make sure all occupants were accounted for and she would be off.  She would repeat this process every 50 feet or so and seemed to be enjoying the family walk.

It is off to bed now....

Let me know when they are ready

Let's Go!

And we're off

First full family shot.

Enjoying the is the windy city after all

Too hot, save yourself get to the choppa'

Long walks make me tired

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