Thursday, June 7, 2012

Laughter is the best medicine


Today was a busy day for me.  I was at work for a little over ten hours and ran a few errands after work.  Once home I had to take the dog out a couple times.  All told I got to hold a crying Evan for about ten minutes.  This process makes for a tired dad and mom is getting less sleep than me.  I am not sure how she keeps moving.

Two tired parents and two kids that want to eat their arm off if you don't feed them every two hours makes for some tense moments in the household.  So far we have been blessed with the gift of laughter in these situations and I, for one, pray it continues.  A case in point was this evening.  Emily had spit up on her 45th outfit of the day and needed a change.  Jacqueline asked me to get a long-sleeved onesie for her.  Being an amazing father and husband I knew right where these were kept and grabbed one.  Wait, that isn't how it went at all. I began looking in a drawer I knew had onesies in it, but all of them were short-sleeved.  Jacqueline looked up at me, still holding a messy Emily, and asked what I was doing.  When I told her I was looking for the onesie, she informed I was messing up the system because the ones I was looking through had been separated by size.  The conversation that followed was:

J - "If  you don't know where the long-sleeved ones are just ask"

Me - (deep breath) "Where are the long-sleeved onesies?"

J - "I don't know"

Me- (deep breath and now I have an option - get so mad I want to spit or laughed until I cried) LAUGH

J - (wiping tears from her eyes she laughing so hard)

For the life of me I can't imagine a better solution to that exchange.  The onesie was found, a change was made, and now they sleep (for a little while) so I am off to bed.

Meeting the great-grandparents!

Bath time

All clean (check out the towel)

She is trying to decide if she likes this bath thing or not

Clean and Dry

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness, they look so teeny in those bath tubs! also the long sleeve onesie exchange had me tearing up laughing! :o) totally know that feeling, so does Clint! ahhh, the system!