Sunday, June 3, 2012

Water breaks the levee


Yesterday was a busy day.  Emily and Evan got to see almost every single grandparent again (they missed you papa).  They also became models yesterday and they both can turn left (or they just had their newborns pictures done.)

There was only one accident while the newborn pics were being taken.  It happened on the photographers blanket and the picture turned out great.  Way to go Emily! A few pictures from that shoot may be up in a week or two, so stay tuned.

The other milestone from last night was sleep. It was not the quantity of sleep that matter, because there wasn't much to be had, but the timing.  It was the first time that Jacqueline and I slept while the twins were asleep without someone else being responsible for them.  Until last night I had only slept when I knew someone else was watching them.  I was able to get about an hour of sleep on four occasions last night while being 'on duty' with one or the other.  Jacqueline also got a little bit of sleep with the kids in the room with her.  I don't think anything changed other than exhaustion finally broke the levee of fear.  Here is hoping we turned the corner.

Our nanny standing guard

Time with the grandparents.

I love my mommy too.
It's hard work being this cute

Ryan's baby pic for comparison (and mocking)

Jacqueline's baby pic for comparison

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