Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Free at last! Free at last!


We know that Emily and Evan had a short NICU stay and we praise the Lord for that.  However, they are home now and ten days was long enough to wait until for them.

The trip home was uneventful.  We did need a little help from the valet guys to get the carseat bases in a little more secure.  I was told that the type of carseats we have do work well with Toyota's anchor system.  Who knew? Good thing for the health and well being on our children the trained carseat installers (real thing, not sure if it the proper title) knew.

I went to work this morning for a half day and then met Jacqueline and my mother at the hospital just after 1pm to bring them home.  We drove home, parked, used their double snap-n-go stroller to walk the block to the apartment, and 'settled' in about 2:45.  Since that minute we have been working to get a routine for the home life.  We had a schedule after fives days of coming from home to visit them in the NICU.  I am sure it won't take long to have a schedule established and I'm sure at least some sleep will be included in there.

The carseat pictures will give some prespective on their size.  I looked down at the two carseats that had nothing but room in them and thought 'why are they letting these tiny things leave the hospital?'  I then realized they were letting these tiny things leave the hospital with me.  At that moment they turned the heat on in the hospital to 120.  At least that my story because that would explain why sweat began to form on my brow.  A few hours at home and them meeting the beast has helped settle that feeling so we will move on to the pictures.

Wire free

locked and loaded

clearing out

vacant beds available

I'm ready

Let's get this show on the road

Last family shot in the NICU. Thanks to all the docs and nurses!

Last one before we leave the hospital

Made it home safe and sound

Time for our first dinner

"Can I help?"

"Can I at least see?"

"Nobody lets me do anything"

More pics and hopefully a video tomorrow. 

One tired dad

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