Monday, May 28, 2012

Summer time in the city


It has now been eight days since the twins made their escape.  On Friday evening, as Jacqueline and I drove home from the hospital we noticed how full the beaches were and the clear summer time feel.  We went into the hospital early Sunday morning and hadn't seen daylight, other than through a window, in almost a week.  It was a cool 65 degrees when we went in last Sunday morning.  The holiday weekend that marks the beginning of summer for so many snuck up on us.  I have a feeling Christmas is going to sneak up on us as well and all the holidays between now and then may be forgotten along the way.

Do not read a complaint in the previous paragraph.  This past week, as exhausting as it may have been, shouldn't be changed for the world.  I say this knowing that tomorrow I return to work.  I have seen the way Evan has been taking his bottle the last two days and we need food money so I must return to work.  I know many of you think tax accounting isn't the greatest gig to begin with, but tomorrow will be an especially boring day for work.  I will be working while my kids are trying to fatten up in order to come home.  The new challenges the family will face as we grow will be interesting.  I am sure each one will be overwhelming when we look at their approach and barely noticeable when we recall their presence.

As for Emily and Evan, they are doing well.  Emily put on almost two full ounces yesterday.  Evan was unchanged, but he is eating much better.  At one feeding today he took 70 ml (just over an ounce), which is a new high for him.  I am sure that will result in some weight gain and we are hoping it shows tomorrow.  If he can put on weight the next two days and pass his car seat test he will be coming home on Wednesday.  Emily could have the same release date because her weight gain has been good over the last few days, but she needs eat more consistently.  It is weird to think that the apartment could have two tiny kids in it on Wednesday night.

We better get some sleep now.

A few pictures....

My favorite are the family shots

Good night little ones

They have to sit in their car seats for 90 minutes with no episodes to be able to come home

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