Thursday, May 24, 2012

They're here!


Below is the email that went out to many (sorry if we missed you, many emails got bounced back because dad included too many photos):

Just wanted to send out a quick email to everyone that Emily Ryan and Evan Andrew made their entrance into the world at 6:31 and 6:32 yesterday morning.  After over a month of contractions, constant wondering, doctors visits, and trips to the hospital the little munchkins came quickly.  Jacqueline and I went to bed on Saturday night around 10:30 but we noticed the dog followed us into the bedroom and slept on the floor next to Jacqueline.  The dog hadn't slept in our bedroom since she was only a few months old. J and I both noticed it but didn't think too much of it.  Around 2:30 yesterday morning J woke me up to let me know she was uncomfortable and couldn't sleep.  She wanted to make sure I knew she was getting in the shower so I didn't freak if I woke up and she wasn't in bed.  On Friday night I had woken up twice having dreamed that her water broke only to find her not in bed.  Both times I had a solid two seconds of panic then realized it was a dream and J was only making one of the twelve required pregnant lady trips to pee in the middle of the night.

After J got out of the shower, not exactly sure how long it was because I feel back asleep (resting up to be the best dad in the world of course), she was not feeling any better.  We called our doula to ask for her opinion on what J was feeling and she suggested calling the doctor.  After all the recent trips to the doctor and hospital for nothing J wanted to make sure this was the real deal.  The doc said we should come in and get checked out, as they have instructed every time we call.  We got in the car about 4:20 and were at the hospital by 4:40.  It took them about 10 minutes to get J checked in.  She was having contractions every three minutes and they were more intense than any she had experienced up to that point.  She kept telling me she felt the need to push.  I disagreed with her because we were still in the waiting room.  At 4:55 she was holding my shoulder while I expertly coached her through a contraction (read - deer in headlights) when there was splashing sound and she informed me that was her water breaking.  I looked over my shoulder at the guy behind the desk who looked and then went back to his computer screen.  I thought we had just jumped to the front of the line; I was wrong.

At 5:20 we were finally called back to a room.  J was checked out by a nurse who let us know she was 5 cm dilated from the 1.5cm we had stayed at for 4 weeks and that we were going be moving things along because Emily had pooped already (gentlemen there is a fancy term for the first BMs of a child's life but I wasn't going to explain it or try to spell it).  By 5:45 we were in a prep room and they were working fast to get the OR ready.  At 6:00 they wheeled J back to the room to get her set.  At 6:15 they came to bring me back to the OR.  I was not even in the OR long enough to let anything sink in because Emily was out and crying 15 minutes later and Evan was soon to follow.  Yesterday the two of them got to meet mom and dad, the grandparents, and an aunt and uncle.  It was a big day for all to say the least.

Now the stuff that everyone has stayed tuned for: Emily Ryan was 4 lbs 6 oz and 17 inches long and Evan Andrew was 4 lbs 10 oz and 17.7 inches long.  All are healthy and doing well.  Emily and Evan are breathing on their own and doing well.  Evan did need to get an IV so they could give him a sugar solution to regulate his blood sugar but if all goes well that should be taken out today.  J is doing great.  She is healing well from the surgery and loves to get out of bed despite the pain because it means a wheelchair ride to hold the bundles of joy.  And now for the best stuff - pictures (my apologies to the previous title holders, there are now a new cutest baby girl and baby boy in Chicago - nay the world).

Ryan and Jacqueline (Dad and Mom)

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