Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Home Sweet Home


Short post tonight and no pictures...sorry.  We have been trying to get everything in order all night because (drum roll) the babies come home tomorrow!  At least that is the plan right now.  Evan needs another day of weight gain and Emily can't drop weight.  Those two things happen and we have our family all under one roof for the first time tomorrow.

Evan put on 75 grams yesterday (2 1/2 ounces) and Emily put on 20 grams (2/3 of an ounce).  Both are eating better and should be fat little babies in no time.  Let the sleepless nights begin.

I am off to bed now with hope of one last good night sleep before they arrive home....where they belong.  Look for lots of pictures tomorrow and maybe a video or two of our beast meeting her little siblings for the first time.

(or look for two posts the on Thursday as we get use to little ones at home)

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