Sunday, May 27, 2012



One Week!  Where has the time gone?  Any one who thinks life is moving too fast and wants weeks to feel like months....have twins.

Looking back at the past week I am struck by the work that my family has done.  Jacqueline working hard both day and night to feed these little ones.  The kids working to staying warm, eat, and keep those little hearts so theirs beating.  I am tired for them all.  I also need to mention the extended family and friends that have been a support to us this week. Thanks.

The kids are doing great and the NICU pediatricians have penciled Emily and Evan for a Wednesday departure.  It is still very early and anything could happen between now and then, but we are excited it could happen so soon.  There are still hurdles to clear but we are moving in the right direction.

One of the biggest challenges faced this week has been for Jacqueline to get food for the kids.  I will spare all the details, but she has been in a lot of pain most of the week (other than the surgery).  Some pain is caused because the kids are so small and have a hard time feeding, but the other has been when she is pumping.  Two lactacin specialists, a pediatrician (who was just checking because she has been there), and any nurse that was willing or offered to take a look was beginning to get concerned about mastitis (for the male readers: an infection).  To see the pain Jacqueline was facing has been a challenge for all who were looking at her.  However, a small change to the pumping process has seemed to make a world of difference.  Two pumping sessions later the pain has been reduced considerable and the joy is evident.  To think that she stuck with this process through that pain is amazing.  It was the pediatrician that made the comment that got me thinking.  She told Jacqueline, "call a doctor so you can get this figured out now, because after all you need to take care of the mothership."

We've heard the catch phrase, 'happy wife, happy life.'  This always seemed trite and ridiculous to me.  I wasn't out make my wife mad, but seemed the phrase seemed to most often repeated by men who really didn't care about happiness for their wives but just wanted to left alone.  However, the idea of caring the mothership seems right on point.  My life and that of the twins feeds a great deal from Jacqueline.  I will play a huge role in our kids lives, but a big piece of that is making sure their mother is best fit to care for all of us.  Lord give me the strength.

Okay, picture time.

Reunited! (Evan is on the left, Emily is on the right)
They let us take them off their monitor to get a few pictures

The Wells Family

1 comment:

Erica said...

Keep up with the breastfeeding! It is so hard in the beginning and I can't imagine with twins and such, but it is so worth it when you get past the bumps in the beginning.