Friday, May 25, 2012

Packing on the Pounds


Today is a BIG day! Evan and Emily are, for the first time in their young lives, bigger today than they were yesterday.  They are still smaller than they were when they were born (Emily is 4 pounds 1/2 ounce) Evan 4 pounds 3 ounces), but will celebrate the small steps toward coming home.  Emily is 10 grams closer and Evan is 20 grams closer to coming home.  We still do not have a time table for their release from the NICU but we know weight gain is one requirement.

We got to the hospital this morning about 9:30am.  We were excited to see our kids.  When we got there we heard the great news that they both put on weight.  However, we also heard that Emily had an 'episode' at 7:45 this morning for 8 seconds.  This episode included her heart rate dropping under 80 beats per minute and a drop in her oxygen saturation levels.  The doctor said the episode lasted 8 seconds and required no intervention.  This does mean that Emily will not come in the next five days.  The kids have to be episode free for five days in order to come home.  I do not think it changes much because neither of us were expecting them to come home in the next fives days anyway.

The other item that the doctors talked about were the biliruben levels.  Emily's levels had gone up again today, but at a lower rate than they had been in the prior few days.  Evan's levels had dropped today.  They both remain at the very low end of the scale in terms of concern, but the doctors want to stay in front of the it.  Evan may be able to lose the biliblanket he is on (a blanket with a light in, see yesterdays pics) while Emily may need the higher powered overhead light if her levels go up again with tomorrow's check.

Jacqueline and I are trying to settle into a routine.  The kids are not even home yet and we are both very tired.  She is pumping every three hours so that we have milk to take the kids each day.  They feed every three hours so Jacqueline is matching their schedule.  The process of preparing, pumping, and cleaning everything takes about 45 minutes.  This means in every three hour window there is a possible 2 hours and 15 minutes of sleep.  We just keep going knowing that help is being given now and more is on its way.  Thanks to everyone for reading, praying, and supporting our family.  I am still not accustomed to the term family for us.  Sure, Jacqueline and I have been a family for nearly 5 years now, but it carries more weight when I talk about our family now.  We praise the Lord every day for the blessing and journey He carried us on.  I have never been so excited about 30 grams (one ounce) in my life, it means the family is one ounce closer to being together and meeting all of you.

Loving being tired
Ryan and Jacqueline

A room with a view, this is the view from the family center just outside Ev and Em's room

Evan is bigger!

We took the glamour magazines out of her room and her body image is already improving.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Good update. Hope emily doesnt have anymore of those. Do they ever do a root cause analysis on that?