Tuesday, June 26, 2012

30 Day Money Back Guarantee

6/23/12 (written on)

The twins have flown past the one month mark and are doing great.  Mom and dad are tired, but managing.  We are grateful for the help we have received.  The new developments since the last post are that both kids are suffering from some reflux issues.  They are on meds to help take some of the burn out of their throats.  It was a challenge to understand what was going on at first.  We noticed it in Emily before Evan.  Emily would eat and once she was finished she would spit up.  At first we didn't think much of it because babies spit up.  After she would spit up she would start fussing, crying, and rutting.  However, this only led to her eating for a short time and then spitting up again.  We would repeat this process for hours until we came across a website that described the symptoms of acid reflux.  We called the doctor and got a Rx on Tuesday night and by Wednesday evening she was doing better. She still spits up (all babies spit up) but now she just falls back asleep.

It was not until our one month check up yesterday that we learned Evan had reflux as well.  We were telling the doc that we thought Evan was stuffed up.  The doctor explained that babies this young don't have sinus like adults and don't get stuffed up in the manner we were describing.  She asked a few more questions and then we were off with the same Rx for him as well.  We are waiting to see if the meds work as well for him as it did for Em.

At the check up Ev weighed in at 6 lb 12 oz and Emily was 6 lbs 1 oz.  Emily was 20 inches, beating out her brother by 1/2 an inch.  The doctor is pleased to see that both kids are still putting on more than an ounce a day.  Our next appointment is for their two month check up and first round of shots (pretty sure I have to work that day and can't make the appointment).

Here are some updated photos (it may be a short time before we get more pictures up after today because our camera decided to poop out on us)

1 comment:

J said...

Ryan's rig is more masculine than a Moby wrap, but hey whatever works, right?

Sorry to hear about the reflux. I hope the meds work out. We're having our own difficulty with Liesel. Don't think its reflux, just gas. But it sure makes putting her down after a feeding difficult.
